Thursday, May 05, 2011

Whammie, We are in Miami!

We left the intriguing simplicity, mystery and complexity of Cuba behind and set sail for the coast of the USA. The gulf stream picked us up about halfway and had us galloping along at 8-9 knots while friends of ours just a few miles away, just outside the current were still hobbling along at 3 knots. 

s we neared Miami is was clear that we were in for an extreme culture shock after the rugged pureness of Cuba. Within 5 miles of the coast we were suddenly assaulted by roaring jet-ski motors, deeply growling super yachts and thudding cruise ships.  We had decided to overnight in a marina in order to get fresh water and hook up to wifi.  We picked a marina at random that assured us that they had a strong wifi connection and offered a swimming pool for guests.  Unfortunately, upon arrival we realized how important it is to read the small print.  The pool was not actually on the marina location, turned out not to be accessible at the moment, the wifi wasn’t working and to top it all off the toilets had overflowed in the clubhouse leaving a lingering and repulsive smell.  And all for a truly shockingly high price per foot! The sensory overload that is Miami coupled with poor service and high costs drove us quickly away and we headed up the coast.

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